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Totara Specific training courses.

Enhance your skills with our specialised Totara Administrator training courses. Covering key areas such as Notifications, Engage, Permissions & Roles, and Quiz Activities, our sessions equip you with the expertise to manage and optimise Totara LMS efficiently. Suitable for all user levels! Check out our available Totara courses below.

Key Training Elements:.

Totara Notifications.

Learn to set up, manage, and refine centralised notifications, understand event triggers, channels, editing notifications and audit changes effectively in the Totara LMS.

Totara Engage.

Explore Totara Engage including setting up and managing workspaces, adding content, controlling access, and overseeing member interactions effectively.

Totara Permissions & Roles.

Gain knowledge on roles and permissions. Learn to create, edit, and assign roles and permissions in Totara, and understand their impact at various levels.

Totara Localisation.

Discover how to implement and refine language settings in Totara, including adding language packs and customising language strings.

Totara Quiz Activity & Question Banks .

Gain knowledge and proficiency in Totara's quiz functions: set up quizzes, manage question banks, tailor feedback, and analyse results.

Looking to purchase Totara core functionality courses?.

The Totara specific courses listed on this page are shorter courses focusing on key areas of the Totara LMS.

The length of each course varies between 90 minutes and 2 hours.

As these are shorter specific Totara core functionality courses they are purchased as closed courses. Each course purchased will be for your organisation and includes up to 5 places per course.

For further details on these courses and prices then please use the contact form below.

Get in touch!

If you are interested in any of our Totara core functionality courses, or any of our other courses then please complete this form and we shall get right back to you.

Additionally, if you want further information on dates of up coming open courses which are available, or to enquire about closed courses for your organisation then please complete this form and get in touch.