Learn how to connect your LMS to a Wordpress storefront in our next webinar Register here.

Looking for a new LMS?


Just think of us as your very own bolt-on L&D department. Our team can support you achieve your goals, reduce busywork and create a better learning experience.

    Still not sure Think is the right LMS for you?

    We're a leading Totara partner meaning we take their codebase and improve it to deliver our customers the best interface for learning.

    Here's what you can expect from us

    consider Think Learning LMS

    Personalised support

    No matter what hurdles you're facing, our team is on hand to help you get over them. We'll help you create bespoke solutions to your everyday problems.

    smart LMS technology

    Smart technology

    We pride ourselves on creating great products. Our development team are always looking for new, innovative ways to improve our solutions.

    expert LMS provider

    Expert knowhow

    We don't mean to brag, but we're experts in learning. Whatever issue you're facing, our team is on hand to help with experience across and within sectors.

    Your people, our solution.

    Get more support to achieve your most important L&D goals