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Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust.

Implementation of Totara Learn; Hertfordshire Community

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time-saving tactics to supercharge the NHS.

The Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust provides Community Care across Hertfordshire, with c2,000 employees working in homes, schools, clinics and community hospitals.

They required an easy-to-use learning management system that would adapt to the needs of the workforce and save time on processes. We were able to provide that and more, through the implementation of Totara Learn.

- The Trust has achieved and maintained 94.4% compliance across a rigorous, complex set of national statutory and mandatory training requirements.
- The administration team have seen first-line support queries reduce by 80%!
- Surveyed users said that elearning, booking and compliance management was easier and quicker in Totara than in their legacy LMS.
- Classroom training non-attendance rates have dropped from 10% to 4.7%.
- The new LMS saves the L&D team up to 3 days per week in staff time!

the challenge.

The Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust partnered with Think Learning as they needed a bespoke LMS that delivered:

- Over 250 in-house courses
- A smooth induction process for 30-40 new starters each month
- Access to 250 elearning course (provided by e-Learning for Healthcare)

We love a challenge here at Think, and we knew exactly how to manipulate the award-winning Totara Learn platform to make it fit the Trust’s bespoke needs.

Having used a legacy commercial LMS for many years, the Trust’s learning management approach required heavy administration. For example, reporting on compliance data meant extracting one set of data from the LMS, another from the HR/Electronic Staff Record (ESR) system, and combining them in a separate business intelligence tool. The Trust knew this time-consuming process was affecting their efficiency, with staff spending many hours per month manually manipulating data. Fortunately, we knew the perfect solution to their problem.

the solution.

Having implemented Totara Learn at numerous NHS Trusts, Think Learning knew exactly what was needed to smoothly migrate existing education data to the new learning platform - and how to configure those much-needed NHS specific reports!

Totara Learn helped the Trust overcome the administrative headache of their legacy LMS, and went one step further. By being a truly mobile-responsive LMS, staff at the trust were able to use their mobile device to access and update the clinical system - offering a huge opportunity to engage with learners, provide content and offer education support - career-critical for community-based staff.

Alongside this, Think also ensure that the all compliance data was transitioned to the new platform, that the new platform streamlined processes and created some bespoke dashboards for the Trust's unique needs.

compliance data transition.

It is crucial for the NHS to be able to quickly and easily report on compliance data - both current and legacy. Think ensured this data was accurately and seamlessly migrated to Totara Learn.

streamlined integrations.

Within a week, national Core Skills Training Framework competency data was being uploaded into ESR on a weekly basis, and since then the Trust team has refined the process further, tweaking both ESR and Totara reports to speed up the process.

bespoke dashboards.

The Trust’s L&D team were raring to go when they gained admin access to Totara Learn. They created a specific ‘service administrator’ dashboard, to enable managers to monitor training compliance and book training for their teams.

the result:
a resounding success.

The implementation of Totara Learn transformed the Trust’s L&D department. It has reduced administration time, improved learner experience, and reduced learner queries by 80%.

The Trust surveyed learners after implementing their new LMS and received glowing feedback from the 100+ learners who completed the survey. The learners notably reported an improvement in ease-of-use compared to the previous system, notably when:

-Booking training
-Completing elearning courses
-Monitoring personal compliance

With many learners also commenting on the in-built assistance on the new LMS, enabling them to get to the right course, quicker than ever before.

don't just take our word for it.

"We have been so pleased with the benefits that the Totara system has brought us, particularly in terms of improving our users’ experience, which was our primary objective in implementing the system.

We asked for feedback from staff and most staff tell us they find the system either ‘easier’ or ‘much easier’ to use and we can see this in huge fall in the number of queries we receive. We estimate this is saving us up to 3 days per week in staff time. On top of this our compliance has risen to its highest ever."

Jane Trundle | Head of Learning & Development

transform your learning.

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